Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS
Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL. – CGHS Orders
Government of India
Ministry of Healtth and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
No:Z.15025/DIR/CGHS/2018/Procurement Policy Drugs
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011
Dated the 12th June, 2018
Subject:- Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL., regarding
With reference to the above mentioned the undersigned is to convey the approval of Competent authority for procurement of Rate Contracted Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL, till 30th Novemeber, 2018 as per the details given under:
i) During the first three months the indents prepared (CGHS Wellnes Centre-wise ) shall be submitted to M/s HLL on monthly basis by Addl. Director, CGHS(MSD) in Delhi and by Addl Director, CGHS of the concerned city, in cities outside Delhi.
ii) The initial indents shall be based on approx requirement of each Wellness Centre.
iii) M/s HLL shall deliver the medicines at the concerned CGHS Wellness Centre.
iv) After the initial three months computer generated automated indents for generic medicines based on consumption pattern (as in the case of earlier Pilot Project Medicines) shall be placed to M/s HLL., directly by the concerned CGHS Wellness Centre and M/s HLL shall deliver the medicines at the CGHS Wellness Centre.
v) The invoices shall be raised in the name of Addl Director, CGHS (MSD) in case of Delhi and in the name of Addl Director of City in other cities and payment shall be made through the concerned P.A.O.
(Dr. D.C. Joshi)
Director, CGHS
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