BPS writes dt. 21.8.17 Revision of pre-2016 Pensioners (Civil) Govt of India
No. SG/BPS/Pension Revision/
Dated: 21.8.2017
1. Shri Arun Jaitley
Hon’ble Minister of Finance,
Union of India, New Delhi.
2. Shri Jitender Singh
Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C),
Prime Minister’s Office,
Union of India,
New Delhi.
Subject : Revision of pre-2016 Pensioners (Civil)_Govt of India.
Bharat Pensioners Samaj, an All India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations of all Central Govt, State Govts, PSUs, EPS 95, Defence(Civil), Autonomous Bodies and NPS pensioners’ and a member of International Federation on Ageing, Toronto (Canada), expresses its heartiest gratitude to you and the GOI for Issuing Concordance Tables vide GOI, Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions, Deptt of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, New Delhi no.38/37/2016-P&PW/A) dated 6th July, 2017, which has not only eased the process of revision of pre-2016 pensioners(civil) of all ranks but has given impetus to the Deptts of the Central Govt to finalise and issue of revised PPOs at quick pace to the pensioners/family pensioners who retired during the currency of 4th& 5th CPC i.e. between 01-01-1986 to 31-12-2005.
However, it is painful to learn that a unilateral decision has been taken by the Ministries & Departments to do revision of pensions/family pensions in the descending Order from cessation date i.e. starting from pensioners who retired in December,2015 though no such order has been issued either by the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of Personnel PG,& Pensions-DOP &PW In this connection, BPS wishes to submit the following for your kind and active consideration:
(a). Pensioners retired in the year 1986 i.e. in the first year of operation of 4th CPC are already in the 90th year of their lives with hardly any residual life left. Similarly pensioner retired in the year 1995 have entered 81st year of their life. Their life spans with innumerable ailments may not be too long and are being deprived of the timely benefits of upward revision of pensions due to incorrect steps taken by officials at the helm of affairs. Pensions of these pensioners were revised during implementation of recommendations of 5th CPC sometimes in 1997-98 and again in 2008-09 consequent to recommendations of 6th CPC. This goes to prove that records are available;
(b)In addition a large number of pensioners have already sent copies of their PPOs and other Documents to their respective departments from which they retired. These PPOs and documents contains details such as Pay scale of the last post held, Post from which retired, Last pay drawn and other required details.
3. In view of the above facts, there seems to be no wisdom in not commencing revision of pensions of pre-2016 pensioners in Ascending order i.e. Older pensioners having retired first. It seems that the decision start of revision of pensions beginning from December,2005 is a game plan to show bogus progress by laying hands on latest records available. Sir, this is being brought to your kind notice so that injustice being done to older pensioners/family pensioners is stopped forthwith. Bharat Pensioners Samaj request that PPOs of older and super old pensioners are revised on top priority.
Hoping for immediate favourable action
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
S C Maheshwari
Secy Gen BPS
Source: http://scm-bps.blogspot.in/
I was retired from DATIA MDG post office under LashkarH.O.M.P.on31/08/2009 and getting provisional pension under rule69ofpension1972.my pension has not been revisedand ppo has not issued.