Validation of Duty/PriviIege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) in Hamsafar Express trains, Gatimaan Express trains and all other Special trains including Suvidha Express
Special Trains on special charges, etc.
RBE No. 68/2017, E(W)2016/PS-5-1/10, dated 12.07.2017
The accommodation in Hamsafar Express trains for Duty/Privilege/PRCP shall be earmarked as at par with that being earmarked in Rajdhani/Duronto Express trains.
In Gatimaan Express train, the accommodation for Duty/Privilege/PRCP shall be earmarked as at par with that being earmarked in Shatabdi Express trains.
In all other special trains including Suvidha Express, Special Trains on special charges, etc., the accommodation shall be earmarked on the lines of Rajdhani/Duronto/Shatabdi Express trains depending upon the type of coaches being attached in that train to the extent of IAC-4, EC4, 2A-6, 3A-16, CC-4, SL20 and 2S-20.
Booking of tickets in above categories of trains will be allowed on the basis of extant stamping on passes for travel by Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto Express trains with a minor modification that now the word “Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto Express type trains” shall be stamped. No additional stamping containing the name of any other train is to be made on the passes. The Pass Issuing Authorities should ensure that stamping on the passes is strictly in compliance with the Pass Rules and duly authenticated
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